Directors and operating officers
Chairman | Tetsuya Tajiri |
President and Chief Executive Officer | Shoichiro Minomo |
Executive Vice President and Member of the Board | Kazuo Kamo |
Executive Vice President and Member of the Board | Keiki Morimoto |
Executive Vice President and Member of the Board | Haruhisa Kimura |
Senior Vice President and Member of the Board | Kentaro Kaneko |
Member of the Board | Keiichi Ando |
Member of the Board | Emiko Magoshi |
Member of the Board | Yasufumi Fujiwara |
Standing Auditor | Ichiro Tokai |
Standing Auditor | Keitaro Takahashi |
Auditor | Haruo Urata |
Auditor | Masashi Yoshida |
Auditor | Hiroyuki Shime |
Operating officers / Fellow
Executive Vice President | Ichiro Yamano |
Senior Vice President | Shingo Wada |
Senior Vice President | Tomoyuki Ueyama |
Senior Vice President | Tadashi Kuriyama |
Senior Vice President | Masana Morioka |
Vice President | Yasuhiko Fujitomi |
Vice President | Tong Hongjun |
Vice President | Hideki Imura |
Vice President | Kazuki Kondo |
Vice President | Shigeo Ozawa |
Vice President | Yasuhiro Kojina |
Vice President | Yorio Hirahara |
Vice President | Kosaku Yamaguchi |
Vice President | Nobuyuki Hattori |
Vice President | Yuji Yoshizako |
Vice President | Syuji Miyake |
Vice President | Akira Ishii |
Vice President | Matjaz Vnuk |
Senior Fellow | Hiroaki Oichi |
Fellow | Yasuhiro Nishimori |
Fellow | Yoshiki Fukumoto |